2 Sep 2024 | 10 min

Child Friendly Privacy Notice


The RFU conforms with the Age Appropriate Design Code and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) protecting your data and privacy when using its online services, like apps, websites and social media.

Who we are

The Rugby Football Union (RFU) looks after rugby union in England, helping everyone involved in the sport whether in school or college, at a club, or playing for England.

Our promise

When you give us your personal information, you can trust us. So that you know that you can, and so that you know what to expect, we want you to read this notice carefully. 
Information will come to us from you so that you can manage it yourself.

Personal information we need and collect

We may collect, store and process the following personal information about you:

  • your name, username and password;
  • your gender
  • your age/date of birth
  • your home address, email address and phone number
  • your club/school, email address and phone number
  • your membership and registrations details
  • details of any next of kin, family members and emergency contacts
  • information put by you, your club or school/college, or the RFU into the RFU game management system or other system for managing rugby union in England (this is called the GMS)
  • your RFU ID that is allocated to you when you have an account on GMS
  • information collected in any forms or surveys you complete or are completed for you or in relation to your taking part in rugby
  • information provided by you in response to requests from the RFU
  • records of your contact with us such as telephone conversations, emails and other correspondence
  • CCTV footage and other information obtained through electronic or digital means, including video footage of rugby matches in which you took part
  • images in photographs and voice recordings
  • records of your attendance at any events or competitions
  • match data in relation to matches that you participate in, including data in relation to events within the match
  • details about RFU Regulations, competitions regulations and World Rugby Regulations, RFU Regulation 19 (Discipline), RFU Regulation 20 (Anti-Doping) and RFU Regulation 21 (Safeguarding), such as:
    • information from computers and hard drives and other electronic information storage devices and documents
    • information on your whereabouts.

Sensitive personal information we need and collect

We may also collect, store and process more sensitive personal information about you, which may include:

  • information about your race or ethnicity, religious beliefs and sexual orientation
  • information about your health, including any medical condition, health and sickness records, test results, medical records and health professional information
  • information provided to process applications and queries under the RFU Gender Participation Policy or other inclusion and diversity policies
  • genetic information and biometric information about you such as blood samples and urine samples (including test results)
  • information about criminal convictions and offences, including information that may be disclosed by the disclosure and barring service.

Why we need it

We need your personal information so that we can identify you and contact you with appropriate and relevant information.

We need your sensitive personal data because:

We need your sensitive personal data because:

  • it is necessary for legal public interest, including for:
    • the safeguarding of children and adults at risk
    • insurance
    • protecting the public
    • anti-doping in sport
    • standards of behaviour in sport
  • for legal claims
  • to carry out our or your rights in employment and social security and social protection law
  • based on your consent (only information for the disclosure and barring service given by you). Or
  • processing is necessary for scientific research and statistical purposes.

What we will do with it

We will use personal information about you to:

  • create an account especially for you
  • do what we promise by sending and doing things, like giving information on courses
  • get in touch if we can’t do what we promised or need more information to do it
  • make sure you and others are safe at rugby events and activities
  • make sure everyone gets a fair chance to be involved in rugby
  • sort out any problems.

Why we are allowed to use your information

We are allowed to use your information:

  • to do what we promise - we will use your information to help us keep that promise
  • to get to know you and keep in touch
  • to help if you are unwell or have special needs
  • to make sure everyone gets a fair chance - it doesn’t matter, what you look like, or where your family comes from – everyone should have the same opportunities
  • to promote and/or commercialise rugby - we may use your information to encourage other people to get involved in rugby, but we will make sure that this doesn’t harm you in any way

Who we may share your information with

There are a lot of people involved with providing rugby. If you play rugby at a local club or school/college, you will know about your club or school/college and may play in competitions or tournaments. We also have something called Constituent Bodies – mostly counties or groups of counties who provide rugby. We may give them information to understand what you enjoy so that they make rugby enjoyable for you.

How long we keep your information

We will only keep your personal information for as long as necessary to do what we promised and sometimes this might be for a number of years. We also have to follow rules about how long we keep your personal data.

We might make your information anonymous so that it doesn’t link to you personally (for something like discovering how many people your age are playing rugby), then we can use the information without your permission.

How we keep your information safe

It is really important to keep your information safe and away from people who may not care about keeping it private. We have the right technology to make sure people can’t see your information, use it, or give it to anyone else unless we have given them permission.

If you move home or something else changes

We would like you to tell us if you move home or something else changes, like your phone number or email, so that we send things to the right place.

What you can make us do with your information

You trust us with your information and you have quite a few legal rights over it. These include the right to:

  • see your information. You can ask us to explain what information we have about you and what we do with it and can also ask for a copy of it.
  • stop us sending you information. You can stop us from sending information about our activities, competitions and other things we think you may like just by telling us to.
  • stop consenting. If we have your OK to do something with your information, you can ask us to stop doing it.
  • correct things. If any of the information we hold about you isn’t correct, you can ask us to correct it.
  • limit what we do with your information. Sometimes you may be able to limit what we do with your information.
  • delete your information. Sometimes you may be able to make us get rid of your information.
  • object. Sometimes, you may be allowed to object to us doing things with your information.
  • have things sent to someone else. If you give us personal information using a gadget, you may be able to make us pass that information on to another company.

The rights you have depend on what we use your data for, and there is more information on this in our Privacy Notice for Adults.

Get in touch with us

If you want to ask us anything or are unhappy about what we are doing with your information, you can tell us by sending an email to DataProtection@rfu.com or via our online Help Portal which can be found here: https://help.rfu.com/support/tickets/new, by selecting ‘Data Protection’ in the ‘Topic’ field. There are other ways too:

By phone: 0208 892 2000 (if we speak on the phone, we will record the call so that if there is anything we or you think is not right, we can listen to the call again)

By post: Data Protection Officer, Rugby Football Union, Rugby House, Allianz Stadium, 200 Whitton Road, Twickenham TW2 7BA.

If you are not happy

We will make sure all the information we have about you is safe and we have a Data Protection Officer to ensure that we obey data protection laws. But if you are very unhappy about what we do and we can’t fix it, you can tell the data protection authority where you live, go to school/college or where you believe a breach may have happened. In the UK this is the Information Commissioner (they deal with UK companies if they do the wrong thing with your information). Here is the Information Commissioner’s Office website https://ico.org.uk/.

What information do we receive from other people?

We may receive information about you and may combine it with information from other organisations, including: Constituent Bodies, representative bodies, clubs, schools, colleges, universities, other sports, other rugby union governing bodies, others involved in rugby, law enforcement, testing providers, data providers, regulatory bodies (such as UK Anti-Doping, World Anti-Doping Agency) and others that we work with.

We may receive information about you from our group companies and those in which we have an interest including: World Rugby, European Professional Clubs Rugby, England Rugby Travel Limited, Twickenham Experience Limited, British & Irish Lions DAC, Six Nations Rugby Limited, Women’s Premier 15 Limited, Rugby Reflink Limited, RFU Hotel Limited and RFU Health and Leisure Limited.

We may receive information about you from the rights owners of events you have attended at Allianz Stadium, if we have been informed that you have provided the necessary consent or we have another lawful ground to have your information, such as for health and safety or running the events you attended.

Do We Share Your Information?

We share personal information with the following:

  • Anyone approved by you
  • World Rugby, European Professional Club Rugby, other rugby union governing bodies across the globe, rugby and non-rugby competition organisers and other sporting governing bodies for making sure regulations are kept and to protect the reputation of our sport, the RFU and others involved
  • National and regional rugby bodies (including referee societies, Constituent Bodies, Players Associations, Premier Rugby Limited, Women’s Premier 15 Limited) and other clubs or rugby organisations to make sure regulations are kept, and to protect the reputation of our sport, the RFU and others involved and so that they can properly run rugby locally, regionally and nationally
  • Others for things like: mailing, printing, payment, providing tickets, analysing data, providing CCTV, making sure everything is working correctly, data providers, commercial rights providers, anti-doping testing providers and other medical testing providers, medical help, IT services, helping customers, and running our website and videos.
  • When someone visits englandrugby.com, Google Analytics collects information and details of what they looked at so that we can see things like the number visiting various parts of the site. This is used in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not allow Google to find out the identities of those visiting our website
  • To Government, and other like UK Anti-Doping, World Anti-Doping Authority and Public Health England or others where we have to by law, for public health and safety or to assist with investigations or initiatives
  • Police, law enforcement and security services and other relevant regulators, such as the Information Commissioner’s Office: to assist with investigation and prevention of crime and the protection of national security and to ensure regulations are kept.
  • Broadcasters, other partners and official data licensees or providers in respect of the broadcasting and/or promotion or commercialisation of matches, match and player data, and/or usage and other related content for various commercial, data usage, statistical and/or analysis purposes.

We do not give personal information to anyone else except as set out above or as set out in our other Privacy Notices.

International Data Transfer

The personal information we collect may be sent to and stored in countries outside the UK. Some countries require different levels of protection of personal information and their laws may be less protective than here. We require everyone to keep your information secure and legal and, if sharing your personal information outside the UK, you will have similar protection of your personal information.

This Privacy Notice may be updated from time to time, the most recent date is on the bottom of the page.


Last Modified: 2 September 2024 | Version 2.0

Last Modified: 24 May 2023