
Activate is the RFU’s Injury Prevention Exercise Programme that can be integrated into training and pre-match sessions. Exercises are designed to improve functional and core strength, balance and agility, helping players with the game’s physical demands.
Regularly doing Activate exercise can:
- Improve playing performance
- Prepare players for the physical demands of the game
- Reduce the risk of injury including concussion, as well as support rehabilitation post injury
- Mean more players are available (due to less players being injured)

Activate 8 Videos
The Activate 8 body positions are key to producing good form for the Activate exercises. Good technique in the exercises is important to help you develop functional strength and movement control.

Activate Game-Based Approach
Coaches and teachers can adapt the programme based on a number of training sessions per week and the ability of players etc. For example, integrating the exercises into a game-based warm up.
The quality of the exercise is most important. The exercises should be carried out in a controlled manner focusing on good form rather than speed or quantity.
The Activate Game-based Approach playlist provides examples of different ways the Activate programme can be integrated into game based sessions.

Activate Kids
This provides coaches and U7 – U12 age groups with a framework and ideas for integrating Activate into training and pre-match preparations. Coaches can add an extra 15 minutes to the regulated age grade training time limits to include Activate within the session.
Activate Kids uses the principles of the main Activate programme and other recognised physical literacy components appropriate for younger children.

Activate Youth
This is made up of 4 progressive phases and a matchday specific phase. Each phase should be carried out for 6-8 weeks throughout the season.
Activate Youth Playlist: U13-U14

Activate Adult
This is made up of 7 progressive phases and a matchday specific phase. Each phase should be carried out for 4-6 weeks throughout the season.

Activate - Be Ready! Videos
Activate exercises can be used to focus on the development of functional strength and movement control in certain areas of the body. Helping to reduce the risk of injury, as well as support rehabilitation post injury.
The videos highlight specific exercises for:
- Ankle
- Knee
- Hips
- Core & Back
- Shoulder, Neck & Head

Activate eLearning Module
This eLearning course explains what Activate is, how it can used within training sessions and as part of match-day preparations to improve a players ability to deal with the game’s physical demands, reducing the risk of concussion and other injuries, meaning more players available.
Minimum Age: 14
Duration: 30 mins
When: All Year
Cost: Free

Activate Research Findings
In collaboration with the University of Bath, the RFU ran two injury prevention studies which at the time were the largest of their kind in the world. One study was carried out in the adult men’s game and the other was a schoolboy study.
The findings led to the introduction of the exercise programme, Activate. The exercises included in the programme are designed to improve functional conditioning and movement control, which contributes to reducing the risk of injury, including concussion.
For more information on other research studies that the RFU are involved with please visit our Research Resources.
More detail on the studies and research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine is available as PDFs below.