
Discipline is one of the core values of rugby. The RFU Discipline team strives to ensure that rugby is a game of controlled physical endeavour and that it is honest and fair.
As a National Governing Body, the RFU is responsible for ensuring that all those who wish to participate in rugby union in England are treated fairly. All participants should be given equal opportunity irrespective of age, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender reassignment, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage & civil partnership or pregnancy & maternity.
The RFU’s disciplinary process must include specific regulations set by World Rugby Regulation 17 and exists to penalise players whose foul play or misconduct is other than purely accidental, and one of its most important principles is to prevent the risk of injury to other players in a dynamic and physical sport.
Players have an obligation to ensure that they do not cause injury to opponents, so there is a presumption that any conduct which is proscribed by World Rugby Law 9 (foul play) merits a sanction.
The RFU Discipline Department directly deals with foul play and misconduct cases in levels 1-4 of the Men's Game and Level 1 of the Women's game. It also deals with appeals from Constituent Body Disciplinary Panels and other specific cases that the Constituent Body Disciplinary Panels do not have the power to deal with, for example, breaches of World Rugby Regulation 10 and 21 (medical and anti-doping) and RFU Regulation 21 (Safeguarding).

Head of Discipline | David Barnes | Disciplinary Enquiries |
Legal Counsel in Discipline & Integrity | Ciaran Cronin | |
National Youth Discipline Secretary | Ian Skillen JP | Age Grade Enquiries |
Discipline Case Officer | Josh Pieterse |
Head of Independent Rugby Judiciary | Richard Whittam KC | |
Disciplinary Hearings Manager | Rebecca Morgan-Scott | Judicial Enquiries |
Army |
Shaun Reeve |
Contact via Army Rugby Union |
Berkshire |
David Hamilton |
thatchamrfcchairman@gmail.com |
Buckinghamshire |
Bob Hardman |
bob_hardman@icloud.com |
Cambridge University |
Daniel Pett |
dejp3@cam.ac.uk |
Cheshire |
John Downham |
johndownham57@sky.com |
Cornwall |
Bill Hooper |
ruckinred@gmail.com |
Cumbria |
David Morton and Kieran Hewett (Assistant) |
davidmrugby@gmail.com |
Devon |
Graeme Gillard |
discipline@devonrfu.com |
Dorset & Wilts |
Gerald Burden |
honsec@dwrugby.co.uk |
Durham |
John Dove |
johng.dove@ntlworld.com |
East Midlands |
Bish Seymour |
pb.seymour@emru.co.uk |
Eastern Counties |
Pamela Clarke |
discipline@ecrurugby.com |
Essex |
Ivor Smith |
discipline@essexrugby.com |
Gloucestershire |
David Parry-Jones |
davepj43@hotmail.com |
Hampshire |
David Creal |
davidcreal@yahoo.com |
Hertfordshire |
Paul Doyle |
discipline@hertsrugby.co.uk |
Kent |
James Connerton |
discipline@kent-rugby.org |
Lancashire |
Brian Stott |
lancashirediscipline@rfu.com |
Leicestershire |
disciplinesec@leicestershirerugbyunion.co.uk |
Middlesex |
John Orr |
discipline@middlesexrugby.com |
North Midlands |
Steve Biggs |
nmrfu.discsec@gmail.com |
Northumberland |
Kingsley Hyland |
khyland.t21@btinternet.com |
Notts, Lincs & Derby |
Andrew Statham |
disciplinary.secretary@nldrfu.co.uk |
Oxford University |
Grace Gibson |
cb@ourfc.org |
Oxfordshire |
Jenny Bosley |
bosleys.computer@outlook.com |
Di Bird |
diana.bird577@mod.gov.uk |
Royal Navy |
Ruth Stanbridge |
ruth.stanbridge100@mod.gov.uk |
Somerset |
Alison Bennett |
alison.bennett@somersetrfu.co.uk |
Staffordshire |
Kev Cantrill |
kevcantrill55@yahoo.co.uk |
Surrey |
Sarah Hall |
discipline@surreyrugby.co.uk |
Sussex |
Linda Callard |
Lindajcallard@gmail.com |
Warwickshire |
Kim Challis |
kim.challis8@outlook.com |
Yorkshire |
Jo Stevens |
disciplinesecretary@yorkshirerfu.co.uk |