Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
The RFU has jurisdiction to deal with any allegation of abuse of a child, any breach of the Policy and/or any breach of Safeguarding Regulations (Regulation 21). Any person involved in Rugby Union must report all safeguarding concerns of which they become aware to the RFU Safeguarding Team.
It is natural to feel a little nervous about sharing concerns, but it is important to remember that it is not your responsibility to decide if abuse or neglect is happening, it is your responsibility to share your concerns. Doing nothing is not an option.
Sharing Concerns with the RFU
The RFU Safeguarding Referral Form has been developed so it can be completed and submitted regarding any concerns you have or have been disclosed to you, relating to the welfare or behaviour of any child or adult. These may include general concerns about a child or adult's welfare, concerns about bullying or poor practice, suspicions or allegations of harm both within and outside rugby union. If you experience any difficulties filling out the form, please email safeguarding@rfu.com.
RFU Safeguarding Referral Form Click Here
- If someone is in immediate danger call 999 as soon as possible and then submit the RFU Safeguarding Referral Form.
- If you’re a parent, you can share your concerns with your Club Safeguarding Officer or complete the RFU Safeguarding Referral Form.
- If you're ever unsure, contact the RFU Safeguarding Team either via safeguarding@rfu.com or the unmanned RFU Safeguarding line on 0208 831 6655 and a member of the Safeguarding Team will respond to you within 24 working hours. Alternatively, seek advice from your CB Safeguarding Manager or Club Safeguarding Officer.
For more information on receiving and sharing concerns, please see our Sharing Concerns Guidance.
Safeguarding Complaints
If you have a complaint relating to a safeguarding process undertaken by the RFU, please refer to the RFU’s Safeguarding Complaints Policy.
Speak Up
The RFU is committed to developing a culture where it is safe and acceptable for everyone involved in rugby union to raise concerns about any unacceptable practice, behaviour, wrongdoing or misconduct.
If you have a concern about unacceptable behaviours or misconduct, you can speak up. Speaking up will enable concerns to be investigated and dealt with for the benefit of all involved and for that of the wider game. Anyone speaking up can be confident that the matter will be handled appropriately and with an appropriate level of confidentiality.
For more information, please visit the Speak Up page on the RFU website.