
15 Jul 2024 | 21 min

Regulation 13 – Adult Player Registration Club Registration Process

Last Updated: 10 Sep 2024



1. Part A: Introduction to Player Registration

2. Part B: Manadatory Regulations for Adult Club Registration


Part A: Introduction to Player Registration 

This section is for background and information purposes only. It explains what player registration is and how it works, given the 2024/25 season is the first season of the new RFU Regulation 13. The introductory wording in Part A of RFU Regulation 13 is therefore not regulation nor is it intended to be relied upon for regulatory purposes. The mandatory regulations pertaining to adult registration are set out in Part B to this RFU Regulation 13. In the event of any conflict between Part A and Part B, the provisions of Part B will prevail.

1. Registration is divided into RFU Registration (RFU Regulation 14) and Club Registration (RFU Regulation 13). Please see the ‘Scope of Regulation 13’ and ‘Scope of Regulation 14’ sections in each respective regulation, which sets out which players are captured by which regulation.

2. The regulation currently applies to Clubs, Higher Education Teams or Services Teams only, although the aspiration is that it will be extended in seasons to come to 7s teams, invitational teams and other Non-Contact teams that are not run by Clubs, Higher Education Teams or Services Teams.

3. Players must register themselves to play at their Home Club at the beginning of every season and the Club will assign them to a team within the Home Club where they anticipate them playing the majority of their rugby. This provides the player with their ‘playing level', as defined in note 4.

4. A player's ‘playing level’ is determined by the League in which the player plays the majority of their rugby. If a player loses the right to be dual registered at other clubs in a season because they played the majority of their rugby above the defined levels (Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below and in the Women's National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below) they can regain this right the following season.

5. For those playing professional or semi-professional rugby (i.e. including for example those playing in the Premiership, Championship, Premiership Women’s Rugby, England Academies or the National Leagues, including lower XVs of those Clubs within Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and Women's National Challenge 1 (Level 4) and above), for those who are under Contract, or who are otherwise caught by RFU Regulation 14, players and Clubs must follow the process set out in RFU Regulation 14 and should refer to that regulation.

6. A line has been drawn at Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and at Women's National Challenge 2 (Level 5). Players at and below these levels will have increased flexibility by being able to simultaneously register with two Clubs at any one time, in order to facilitate player and Club participation, whilst also assisting with match completion. This principle of simultaneous registration is known as ‘dual registration’. Dual registration in this form will not be permitted above these levels due to the decision to prioritise competition integrity, although Loan Players will still be permitted pursuant to RFU Regulation 14.

7. There is no limit to how many times dual registered players can register and play for other clubs. Dual registered players can only be registered and play for two clubs at any one time. For Occasional Players, they must register on GMS by 12 noon on the Tuesday following the relevant match (ideally within 48 hours).

8. The transfer deadline remains at Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and at Women's National Challenge 1 (Level 4) and above but is no longer applied at Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below or Women’s National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below. In respect of national competitions such as the Papa John’s Cup, please check the Competition Regulations for specific competition regulations pertaining to that competition which may vary from, and will take precedence over, this Regulation 13.

9. The ‘waiting period’ will be removed at all levels of Club Registration from Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below and Women’s National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below.

10. All players participating in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity need to be registered, regardless of whether Clubs are participating in friendlies, or sharing players to ensure match completion. A player that starts a match on one team and for reasons of match completion finishes on the opposition team, should only be recorded in their original team selection.

11. Electronic Match Cards will corroborate GMS registrations in all RFU Leagues. Matches within Merit Leagues will not be directed to use EMC in season 2024-25 but are strongly encouraged to do so, in order to get the most accurate data from the registration process.

12. There are no constraints on the number of dual registered players in an individual match- day squad.

Part B: Manadatory Regulations for Adult Club Registration

Objective of Regulation

1. RFU Regulation 13, along with RFU Regulation 14, provides the framework for adult player registration, which is a mandatory requirement from 15 July 2024. In doing so, it allows all stakeholders in the Game to better understand who is playing rugby, when, and for whom, whilst also enabling as much rugby to be played as possible. Fundamentally, the RFU wishes to digitise the registration process, (as it has done already for Age Grade rugby), so that it is easier, quicker and reduces volunteer burden. In doing so, it will form the digital backbone of the Game’s transformation and will give players greater control of their own data. The term ‘affiliation’ will no longer be used.

Scope of Regulation 13

2. Subject to paragraph 3 and 16 below, this Regulation applies to Players that play in teams participating in any competitions shown below, which together shall be defined as the ‘Regulation 13 Rugby Activity’:

  • a. Women’s RFU leagues at Championship 1 (formerly level 2) and below;
  • b. Men’s RFU leagues at Regional 1 (formerly level 5) and below;
  • c. All other Regulation 13 Rugby Activity for which the Player may be eligible which is not covered by paragraph 2a and 2b above or RFU Regulation 14 including:
    • 1. Contact Club Rugby in Merit Tables/Merit Leagues;
    • 2. Non-Contact Club Rugby with effect from 1 April 2025;
    • 3. Club Cup Competitions involving teams at Regional 1 and below;
    • 4. All Higher Education Teams participating in Contact Rugby; and
    • 5. All HM Services Teams participating in Contact Rugby.

3. This Regulation does not apply to any players captured by the RFU Registration Process set out in RFU Regulation 14, such as:

  • a. Men’s Premiership, Championship, England Academies and National League Rugby players (including if representing the first XV or lower XV team(s) of the Club at Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and Women's National Challenge 1 (Level 4) and above);
  • b. Premiership Women’s Rugby (PWR), PDGs, PWR Dual Registered players (including if representing the first XV or lower XV team(s) of the Club at Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and Women's National Challenge 1 (Level 4) and above);
  • c. Any Contracted Player, including those who become Contracted during the Season, irrespective of the level in which they play and also including Overseas Players who are Contracted; For the avoidance of doubt, if a player participates in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity, but is nonetheless a Contracted Player, they must use the RFU Registration Process set out in RFU Regulation 14;
  • d. Loan Players (for Players at Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and Women’s National Challenge 1 (Level 4) and above); and
  • e. Student Pass and Services Pass Players (for Players at Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and Women’s National Challenge 1 (Level 4) and above).

4. This Regulation does not apply to any players participating in Age Grade Rugby in respect of which the player registration process set out in RFU Regulation 15 applies. In respect of Age Grade Players wishing to participate in adult rugby, the Players must use the playing adult rugby process in RFU Regulation 15 as well as the Club Registration Process set out in this RFU Regulation 13. Once an Age Grade Player has reached 18 years old and wishes to participate in adult rugby (and specifically Regulation 13 Rugby Activity), the process set out in RFU Regulation 13 will apply.


5. For the purposes of this Regulation,

  • a. ‘Clear Days’ means days which do not include: (a) the day on which a period begins (i.e. the date of registration); and (b) the day of the match;
  • b. ‘Club’ means for the purposes of this Regulation, all voting and non-voting member clubs of the RFU, Higher Education Teams or Services Teams, whose teams participate in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity;
  • c. ‘Club Registration Process’ means the player-led process prescribed by GMS pursuant to which a Player becomes Registered to participate in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity as defined above;
  • d. ‘Contact Rugby’ means any contact Regulation 13 Rugby Activity (whether contact training, friendlies or matches) involving a Club, Higher Education Team or Services Team;
  • e. ‘Contracted Players’ means a Player who has a Contract with any Club to play rugby regardless of whether the Club is eligible for Regulation 13 Rugby Activity pursuant to RFU Regulation 13 or RFU Regulation 14 and includes, without limitation, any Overseas Players who are Contracted;
  • f. ‘Cup Competitions’ means any knockout competition for which a Club, Higher Education Team or Services Team may be eligible;
  • g. ‘Dual Registration’ means for players at Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below and in the Women's National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below, the ability to simultaneously register with and play for two Clubs at any one time (one of which being the Home Club). ‘Dual Registered’ will be construed accordingly;
  • h. “Effective Date” means the date when a Player’s application for registration becomes effective in accordance with RFU Regulation 13;
  • i. “Expedited Registration Process” means such process set by the RFU in relation to effecting registration prior to the expiration of the Waiting Period as set out in RFU Regulation 14.37 to 14.39;
  • j. ‘Higher Education Team’ means a team that identifies with a full time higher educational establishment as recognised by the Department of Education;
  • k. ‘Home Club’ means the Club, Higher Education Team or Services Team the player is either a member of or closely associated with in that they would identify with the community of that club, its training schedule and membership rules;
  • l. ‘Overseas Players’ means any Player playing the Game for any team in any Union other than the RFU;
  • m. ‘Non-Contact Rugby’ means any non-contact Regulation 13 Rugby Activity (whether training, friendlies or matches) involving the Club, Higher Education Team or Services Team and which includes T1 rugby (walking or running) or other non-contact rugby (walking, running or tag);
  • n. ‘Occasional Player’ means a player that prior to playing in a match does not have a Home Club. They may be a lapsed player, retired, or have moved geographically to a new area. As such, they may play as a one off for a club on the first occasion without having Registered in advance of the match as long as they Register by no later 12 noon on the Tuesday following the match (regardless of the day on which the relevant match took place), failing which they shall be deemed to be Unregistered. If an Occasional Player is already Dual-Registered, they will need to de-register from their second Club (i.e. not their Home Club) in order to register for the Club at which they played as an Occasional Player, within 24 hours of the final whistle;
  • o. ‘Player’ shall be defined as all players participating in the Regulation 13 Rugby Activity;
  • p. ‘Playing Level’ shall be equivalent to the team to which the Home Club assigns a player who has completed the Club Registration Process;
  • q. ‘RFU Registration Process’ means the RFU led process prescribed in RFU Regulation 14 and on GMS pursuant to which a Player becomes Effectively Registered (as defined in Regulation 14) to participate in the activity to which RFU Regulation 14 applies;
  • r. ‘Registration Date’ means the date upon which an application for Club Registration is affected under RFU Regulation 13;
  • s. ‘Registration’ and ‘Registered’ means the Club Registration Process as prescribed by RFU which players and Clubs must follow in order for a Player to be eligible to represent a Club team in the Regulation 13 Rugby Activity in which the same Club team participates. ‘Register’, ‘Registered’ and ‘Unregistered’ will be construed accordingly;
  • t. ‘Regulation 13 Rugby Activity’ means the activity set out in paragraph 1 above in which Club team participates and includes Non-Contact Rugby and Contact Rugby as defined above;
  • u. ‘Services Team’ means a unit, establishment, air station, ship, base, Battalion, Regiment or Corps or any other recognised military establishment or grouping within His Majesties Armed Forces;
  • v. ‘Services Player’ means an individual who holds a current Ministry of Defence Form 90 of identification and who is authorised to play rugby by their commanding officer or equivalent;
  • w. ‘Student Player’ means a player who is a member of a Higher Education establishment that has a recognised Rugby Union offering. A member establishment is a member of the RFU via the Student Rugby Football Union;
  • x. ‘Transfer Deadline’ means for the purposes of Regulation, Friday 7th February 2025 for Men’s Regional 1 (Level 5) and below) and Friday 28th February 2025 (for Women’s Championship 1 (Level 2) and below) and for the avoidance of doubt, the Waiting Period will not apply at Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below or Women's National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below;
  • y. ‘Waiting Period’ means the period of time between the Registration Date and the Effective Date, as decided by the Registrar save in the circumstances set out below when the waiting period shall be as stated: (a) the waiting period will be 7 Clear Days where a Player has Effective Registration with another Club on the Registration Date, unless the Expedited Registration Process is followed, as set out in paragraph 10(a) below; (b) the waiting period will be 24 hours or less providing correct papers are lodged with the Registrar by 12 noon on a Friday (or the day of the match in respect of mid-week matches) where: (i) an age grade player is transferring to become an adult player, either in the same club or to a different club; (ii) a Player has not previously been Registered with any club during the current Season.

6. All other definitions shall have the meanings set out in RFU Regulation 1.

Registration and Eligibility Requirements

7. A Club, Higher Education Team or Services Team can only select a Player for Regulation 13 Rugby Activity if the Player is Registered for the team participating in:

  • a. Regulation 13 Rugby Activity in accordance with the process set out in this RFU Regulation 13;
  • b. Regulation 14 Rugby Activity in accordance with the process set out in RFU Regulation 14, subject to the provisions of RFU Regulation 13, unless the player is an Occasional Player and representing the Club for the first time.

8. RFU Registration pursuant to RFU Regulation 14 enables the Player to be eligible for Regulation 13 Rugby Activity subject to the provisions of RFU Regulation 13.

9. Registration pursuant to this RFU Regulation 13 does not render the Player Effectively Registered and eligible for a team participating in Regulation 14 Rugby Activity under any circumstances.

10. All Players must Register annually with their Home Club team in order to be eligible to participate in any Regulation 13 Rugby Activity in accordance with the process prescribed by the RFU. Thereafter:

  • a. At Men’s Regional 1 to Counties 2 (inclusive) and Women’s Championship 1 to National Challenge 1 (inclusive), Clubs must then assign any such Players registered to a team within their club which participates in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity in order to determine such Player’s Playing Level and activate a player’s registration. The Waiting Period will apply which means that the Player will not automatically be Registered until the Waiting Period has expired (unless the Expedited Registration Process has been followed).
  • b. At Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below and Women’s National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below, once a Player has registered in accordance with this Regulation, no further action from the Club is needed and the player’s registration is complete with immediate effect and no Waiting Period will apply.

11. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the provisions of this RFU Regulation 13 will apply to players participating in both men’s and women’s Regulation 13 Rugby Activity.

12. At Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and Women's National Challenge 1 (Level 4) and above, a Player may (a) not hold Effective Registration with more than one Club at any one time; and (b) not hold Club Registration with more than three (3) Clubs in any Season, unless otherwise set out in RFU Regulation 14.

13. At the levels set out below, a Player is eligible to be Dual Registered and participate in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity for both their Home Club and a second Club:

  • a. Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below; or
  • b. Women's National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below.

14. At the levels set out in paragraph 13 above, should a Player who is already registered for their Home Club and a second Club wish to register for another Club (either having appeared as an Occasional Player or otherwise), that Player must de-register from their second Club before Registering with a new Club. For the avoidance of doubt, in no circumstances can a Dual-Registered Player be Registered with more than two Clubs at any one time.

15. Non-Contracted Players wishing to register for a Club at Men’s Regional 1 (formerly Level 5) and below or Women’s Level 2 and below are not required to provide a copy of the Clearance when making an application for Registration. All Contracted Players are captured by RFU Regulation 14 and therefore the provisions of RFU Regulation 14 apply.

Transfer Deadline

16. For Clubs at Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and at Women’s National Challenge 1 (Level 4) and above, all Players must be Registered by the Transfer Deadline, subject to the exceptions set out in paragraph 17 below.

17. A Club may only apply for a Player to become Registered after the Transfer Deadline if they are either:

  • a. a Player who has not been previously Registered with any Club during the current season;
  • b. already Registered with the Club pursuant to RFU Regulation 14;
  • c. a Player who is returning to a Club at which the Player was previously Registered provided the Player has not been Registered with another Club in the same Season:
  • d. a Loan Player seeking Registration to return to the Club which loaned them;
  • e. a Player who the Club in exceptional circumstances needs to be Registered after the Transfer Deadline to enable the Club to comply with its Competition’s requirements in relation to the provision of Front Row forwards and the RFU (or person to whom it has delegated this) is satisfied that the Player’s Registration is necessary; or
  • f. Student Pass Players and Services Pass Players, provided they comply with the RFU’s Student and Services Pass process in all respects and are approved by the RFU for a Student or Services pass in accordance with the process set out in Regulation 14; or
  • g. approved by the RFU Discipline and Governance Director to be Registered following the resolution of a dispute;
  • h. approved by the RFU Discipline and Governance Director in exceptional circumstances only as determined in their sole discretion.

18. The Transfer Deadline no longer applies at Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below or Women’s National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below.

Removal or cancellation of Registration

19. A Player or Club may request the cancellation of a Player’s Registration to that Club by following the process set out on GMS.

20. The RFU is entitled to remove either permanently or temporarily a Player’s Registration with a Club immediately in the event of:

  • a) non-compliance with the Regulations;
  • b) the Player not being eligible to participate in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity pursuant to RFU Regulation 13, including due to the Player being captured by RFU Regulation 14;
  • c) the Player participating in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity in contravention of RFU Regulation 15;
  • d) the RFU being informed by another Union that the Player is not eligible to play;
  • e) a Player who is suspended or banned pursuant to RFU Regulation 19 or RFU Competition Regulations (or pending the outcome of a disciplinary case);
  • f) the RFU deciding in its sole discretion that a Player should no longer be Registered with a Club.

21. A Player’s Registration may be deemed void and invalid if any of the information pertaining to the registration is false, inaccurate or misleading information.

Breaches of regulations

22. All alleged breaches must be referred to the League Secretary, Organising Committee or the RFU Discipline and Governance Director as applicable (or such individuals to whom they may delegate) as soon as possible upon the individual becoming aware of the potential breach and any breaches will be dealt with in accordance with RFU Regulation 19.

Men’s Counties 2 (Level 8) and above and Women’s National Challenge 1 (Level 4 and above)

The Organising Committee and the RFU has the power to investigate, bring disciplinary action and impose sanctions in respect of any breaches of these Regulations in accordance with the fixed sanctions stipulated in RFU Regulation 6 Appendix 4, save that in respect of the period up until and including 30 September 2024, the Organising Committee and the RFU may in their absolute discretion suspend all or a portion of the sanction if they consider that there are sufficiently evidenced mitigating circumstances.

Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below and Women's National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below

23. The RFU has the power to investigate, bring disciplinary action and impose such sanctions as it considers necessary in respect of any breaches of these Regulations, being mindful of the sanction guidelines set out in Appendix 1.


24. The Committee may in its sole discretion rectify any error or omission in this RFU Regulation 13 which comes to its attention.

25. The Committee shall have the discretion to decide upon any matter not provided for in this RFU Regulation 13 and upon its interpretation. The Committee’s decision shall be final and binding.

26. The RFU may delegate its powers set out in this RFU Regulation 13 to Organising Committees, league secretaries, league/competition organisers and/or Disputes Committees as it considers appropriate.

27. In the event that any provision of this RFU Regulation 13 is found by any Court or competent authority to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part that provision shall be deemed not to form part of this Regulation and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of this Regulation shall not be affected.


The table below sets out the guideline sanctions in respect of breaches of RFU Regulation 13 at Men’s Counties 3 (Level 9) and below and Women's National Challenge 2 (Level 5) and below.The sanction may be increased to reflect aggravating features or reduced to reflect mitigating factors. This sanction table is without prejudice to the RFU’s power to bring a disciplinary charge pursuant to RFU Rule 5.12.

Classification of Breach Description of Classification Sanction
Warning The first instance in the current season that at least 1 player has participated in Regulation 13 RugbyActivity without being Registered. Warning issuedto the Club and Coach/person responsible for the team.
Low LevelBreach The second instance in the current season that at least 1 player has participated in Regulation 13 Rugby Activity without being Registered.

Formal warning issued to the Club and Coach/person responsible for the team.

Suspension of the Coach/ person responsible for the team (possibly suspended)

Mid-Level Breach The third instance in the current season that at least 1 player has participated in Regulation 13 RugbyActivity without being Registered.

Suspension of the Coach / person responsible for the team.

Points deducted from the first team (possibly suspended).

Top End Breach The fourth instance in the current season that at least 1 player has participated in Regulation 13 RugbyActivity without being Registered.

Suspension of the Coach/ personresponsible for the team.

Points deducted from the first Teamequating to 4 wins.

Cup Competition Breach At least1 player participates in a Match without being Registered.

If the team remains in the competition, the team must be removed from the Cup competition for the current season.

If the team no longer remains in the competition, a formal warning on the team’srecord for the following season.

In assessing any breach in accordance with the table above, the following factors may be taken into account. This is not an exhaustive list and, in accordance with RFU Regulation 6, the Organising Committee (or its delegate) may impose any sanction which it considers appropriate in all the circumstances.

  • - Aggravating factors: multiple breaches, intentional breaches, the provision of false or misleading information pertaining to a Player’s Registration or otherwise.
  • - Mitigating factors: previous breaches involving the Player and/or the Club, self-reporting of breach by the Player and/or Club.

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