

25 Feb 2022 | 4 min |

Sutton Coldfield Thirds Back in the Game

Sutton Coldfield third team soundly beat Handsworth 2s on their first outing after covid.

They had restarted their social matches on Friday nights under floodlights and had 32 players down for their first match since the pandemic began.

Danny Price, team captain who also helps to organise Monday night training and matches said: “We’ve kept people involved who probably wouldn’t have played or come down to the club again. We are playing with casuals for the love of the game rather than league points and the pressure.

“I have a two-year-old daughter and training on Monday nights and playing on Friday nights gives a great social start to a weekend I can spend with my family. I still help the second team out sometimes and then I skip playing on Friday night.

“We have guys in their 50s and one player who is 19. David Bunn set the social team up before the pandemic and during lockdown we kept in touch via quizzes and games online. When Dave got injured, I helped out but we’re hoping he’ll be back once he’s recovered.” 

Coach back with baby Beatrix

Team coach, Tara Wheeldon, is very much back in the game, having had her first child Beatrix only three months ago. She plays hooker alongside her sister Holly in the women’s team and thinks nothing of scoring a try and feeding Beatrix at half time. Her partner Joshua Boulton is a member of the social team too.

“When they started the social side, I went down with my dad who, having never played, wanted to give it a go! That was his one cameo appearance and he’s almost 60 now. I’d started coaching, done a course, and realised there was nobody there to help the boys. Some of them were dads of the minis and had never played. I was involved when there were four or five turning up, so to have over 30 for the first game back and get a win was great. 

“The team really respect me as a coach, which means the world to me. I’m regularly bought a pint after the game, and they make sure I’m included in everything. They have been so thoughtful throughout my pregnancy and helpful when we brought our first home. It’s a fantastic team environment to be a part of.

“I think them having a female coach works because we can have a more empathic approach, whatever a player’s level.  We’ve even got an American footballer who loves that he can just turn up and get a game, then have a pint.  We get other club members supporting us and enjoying a drink after the game and training is very varied as some have never touched a rugby ball so need help and to be made welcome.”

Second team thriving too

Club chair Geoff Fletcher is a fan of the social offering. “To put it in stark terms, after covid numbers were a problem everywhere. We wouldn’t have been able to field a second team but now, with the social players sometimes stepping in, they are top of the league. Eight of the social players are regularly running out with the 2s. One guy was enjoying the social game and is now playing for the first team. It’s made a massive difference to player numbers and there’s a real buzz around the club.”