

23 Jul 2020 | 4 min |

Be more like Fin

Around 18 months ago Wheatley Hills RUFC in Doncaster were struggling for an U13s team with only a handful of players in the age group.

Now they have a great bunch of lads, one of them proving to sceptical locals that youngsters can be a real asset in their community.

While local Facebook groups bemoaned irresponsible youngsters during lockdown, Fin Garner realised nobody was clearing up the shattered glass from a local bus shelter and went out and cleared it away himself.

The club’s minis and youth chairman, Olly Dixon, pasted it on social media and #bemorelikefin took off, with locals liking what they saw.

People’s safety

“It was just that there was glass everywhere, glass on the seat, and we’ve got a lot of old people in the community,” said Fin. “It was about other people’s safety. I was just trying to help and do my bit.”

Fin likes to do his bit at the Wheatley Hills club as well. When the First XV is playing at home he turns up as ball boy.

“I saw that when the team was playing they had nobody helping and lots of balls were getting lost.  Sometimes I do the scoreboard but mostly I’m getting balls out of trees,” he added.

“I love rugby. We didn’t have a team to start with but now we do. It’s a fun way to relieve stress while meeting up with friends. My team are good mates and you feel supported. We have a good laugh too.”

Coaching hero Jones

While his step-dad Nick Ashcroft is Fin’s coach and helped get the U13 team together by coaching touch each Tuesday night, Fin’s coaching hero is Eddie Jones.

“I just think he’s a great person,” he says. “I love how he speaks to the players. Watching videos from England Rugby and Eddie’s training sessions, I always think he makes it look easy. I really like Eddie.”

Nick says of his new U13 charges: “I’m only five foot four and most of them tower over me. They’re a good bunch but we have our ups and downs 

“I want to give the kids somewhere they can come where it’s safe and there’s no pressure. I try to make it fun. It’s great seeing how many times they can turn a tractor tyre over in 30 seconds, with them helping and encouraging each other.”

Club spirit

The Wheatley Hills club very much highlights rugby’s values in the community. Said youth chairman Olly: “There were lots of negative posts all around the area about the 12 to 18 age group and I wanted to show some community spirit with Fin’s clear up. We got lots of people sharing it and it shows that the club’s encouraging our kids to do something positive.

“Fin’s step dad Nick is a fantastic volunteer who went to Twickenham as part of the Mitsubishi volunteer recognition programme and Fin will always help because he loves being part of a team.  Nick has helped run some successful food collections for the Doncaster food bank.

“We are part of the Sport England and RFU’s Families Fund programme, which is trying to get families exercising together. We ran a Couch to 5K for mothers and daughters just before lockdown when 40 women and girls turned up.

“As a club we always want to give something back to our community and, with our seniors back to training in groups of five, part of the fitness training takes place around Cusworth Hall parkland and ponds. So we are planning a Saturday litter pick to help that environment.”