Tours are a long-standing tradition of rugby and the best tours are usually the result of good planning. This simple checklist will help you get started…
Tour planning
- Appoint officials and agree terms of reference:
- Tour secretary
- Treasurer
- Promotions manager
- Press officer
- Tour party manager
- Tour captain
- Coach(es)
- Doctor/physio
- Baggage master
- Decide dates of meetings and establish deadlines for administrative arrangements
- Obtain permission to tour from RFU via Constituent Body Secretary
- Produce a tour brochure
- Arrange promotional events
- Collect data on prospective host Unions
- Speak to prospective host clubs
- Agree with a tour operator:
- Destination
- Dates
- Numbers in party
- Mode of travel
- Type of accommodation (hotel, motel, B&B, billets, etc)
- Requirements for training and team rooms
- Clarify and confirm tour agreement with hosts including financial arrangements and reserves policy
- Find visa and inoculation requirements
Tour itinerary
- Plan games, training sessions and free time
- Decide where, when & how to entertain your hosts
- Personal
- Holiday
- Liability
- Death & disability
- Accident
- Loss of clothing & equipment
Kitting out
- Design tour motif
- Issue of items of clothing - blazers, slacks, tracksuits, bags, etc
- Order medical kit
- Assemble training equipment
- Take club flag
- Purchase spare studs (differing lengths), laces, labels, etc
- Decide on appropriate gifts to exchange
Personnel administration
- Establish availability suitable players
- Select squad
- Ensure sufficient reserves on standby
- Plan and agree pre-tour training including sufficient fitness testing
- Produce a tour party roll with addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contacts
- Produce addresses and phone numbers for tour locations
- Complete next of kin forms
- Write pen portraits
- Establish and agree all duties required of officials, players and baggage master
- Draw up a duty roster
- Confirm press reporting procedures
- Ensure valid passports and visas
- Check import and immigration regulations
- Arrange currency
- Collect medical, dental forms and inoculation certificate
Assemble prior to departure
- Complete final medical checks by doctor
- Complete fitness test
- Take a tour photograph
On tour
- Maintain a tour diary
- Record expenses and keep accounts
- Contact essential officials/embassies, etc
- Distribute gifts
- Maintain good conduct and PR
Report back
- Reconcile accounts
- Report to club, RFU and sponsors
- Send letters of thanks to host clubs
Can't find what you need?
Visit the Community Rugby Help Centre for more information.