• The RFU
  • RFU Governance & Representation Review Group Announced


13 Sep 2024 | 3 min |

RFU Governance & Representation Review Group Announced

The RFU Governance and Representation Review Group has been set up to review the organisational structures of the RFU, the arrangements for the decision-making structures, the relationships between Council, Board and Executive and recommend how the membership is best represented in the policy-making and decision-making process of the Union.

The Review Group is chaired by Malcolm Wharton CBE.  Malcolm has spent his working life in agriculture and land-based and sport education, including 22 years as Principal at Hartpury College, where he founded Hartpury RFC and many Sports Academies, including a hugely successful Rugby Academy. He is a graduate of the Royal Agricultural College and Birmingham University. He served for 11 years on the RFU Council, and also served on the RFU Board a Chair of the Community Game Board. He was awarded the CBE for Services to Education in 2012 has been a Distinguished Member of the RFU since 2021.

The Members​ of the group are:

  • Malcolm Wharton (Chair)​
  • Paula Carter (RFU Council Member and Board Member)
  • Penny Stewart (RFU Council Member)​
  • Tim Miller (Council Member)​
  • Polly Williams (RFU Board INED)​
  • Angus Bujalski (RFU Executive Team)​
  • Ed Warner (Independent Member)​
  • Tony Simpson (Independent Member)​
  • Barry Breakwell (Game Representative)​
  • David Saunter (Game Representative)​

Ed Warner is Chair of GB Wheelchair Rugby and the Palace for Life Foundation​, he is the former Chair of UK Athletics and World Para Athletics​.  Warner has also chaired several Boards in the financial industry and is a sports author and blogger.

Tony Simpson is a Partner and Global Sport and Entertainment lead at the International Management Consulting firm Oliver Wyman.  He was a board advisor to Special Olympics Great Britain and played a leading role in the creation of the English IFR (Independent Football Regulator).  

Barry Breakwell is President and former Chair Treasurer of West Leeds RUFC and former Chair of Yorkshire RFU.  He led a strategy development and governance review of the CB.  His business career has included several senior roles in area and relationship management at HSBC.

David Saunter is Chair of Cornwall RFU and a former Chair of Bodmin RFC.

Invited attendees to the group meetings include Deborah Griffin (Junior Vice President)​, Matt Webb (Council Member and chair of the Game Leadership Inclusion and Diversity Group)​, Melusine Faverjon-Jenkins (National Youth Council). 

The scope of the review is to recommend the best ways that people in the game can have a voice in decision-making and to recommend the responsibilities of, and interaction between the Board, the Council, the principle committees immediately below Board and Council, the Constituent Bodies, any regional bodies and members of the RFU such as clubs and referee societies and the rugby playing and volunteering community.  This includes responsibility for decision-making, recommendations, consultation, and assurance.

The review will also recommend the composition of, and the selection process for members of the Board, Council, principal committees, and any regional bodies.

Since the group was established in March it has reviewed previous consultation findings, the National Rugby Survey 2021/22, undertaken focus groups, surveyed Council Members and held interviews with Chair, CEO and Presidential team along with other stakeholders. This work aims to understand current system strengths and challenges from all stakeholders.  

The second phase will run from June to October 2024 to consider system design and consultation, considering other sports or membership governance models, potential delivery models and further game consultation.

The Governance and Representation Review Group is expected to make its recommendations and proposals to the RFU Board and Council in early 2025 with implementation being considered after that time. It builds upon the previous work to progress the governance of the Rugby Football Union.