Adult Player Registration

Community rugby players adult men

From the 2024/25 season, players will be required to register themselves annually to play rugby for RFU member clubs. 

Players will register using their Game Management System (GMS) account and clubs will approve or deny their registration. This is in accordance with RFU Regulation 13 and 14

In previous seasons, player registration has been managed by clubs on behalf of their players.

Currently there are no requirements for players to register who are only participating in non-contact rugby (walking, T1 Rugby and adult tag rugby). 

    Players must create a GMS account and complete their registration. The club registrar will then accept the registration and the player will be eligible to play for this club. Video guidance on registering for a club.

    If a player is registered with a different club, the club registrar should request a transfer of the player to the new club. The club registrar from the old club must approve the transfer. Video guidance on transferring players.

    Being ‘Club Registered’ allows individuals to play at Men’s Level 9 and below and Women’s Level 5 and below. 

    Players in Men’s Level 1 to 8 and Women’s Level 1 to 4 will need their registration to be uplifted to ‘RFU Registration’.

    The type of RFU Registration a player needs depends on the competition and leagues that their club competes in.

    Club registrars will uplift players for ‘RFU Registration’ which will then be sent to the RFU for approval. Based on the league, players may need to attach, review or sign documents to support their registration. 

    A player aged 17 is not automatically registered to play adult rugby and must complete the Adult Player Registration Process.

    RFU Regulation 15.6.1 states that a player can play adult contact and non-contact rugby, or train with other adults in contact and non-contact rugby, when they reach their 17th birthday provided:

    • They have been assessed as capable of playing with adults
    • The RFU Playing Adult Rugby Form has been completed and signed
    • The player does not train or play in the front row of the contested scrum. Once a player has reached the age of 18, they can play in any position. 

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